June 8, 2011

3 Months

At 3 months Ella got to where we could actually start "playing" with her.  She would laugh, smile and coo at us.  Every time she would smile or laugh it was, and still is, so contagious and adorable.  Here is a little clip of one of her first times laughing...

She also tried mimicking us...

She loves playing on her activity mat

And, Yay! She's become a thumb sucker!! This made it so much easier for her to soothe herself to sleep and I think she's just so cute when she does it! 

If you didn't notice, she sucks her left thumb, not sure why.  She only sucks it when she is sleepy and we also stopped swaddling her at this time cause she always wanted her thumb to sleep. 

Speaking of sleep, her sleeping schedule at 3 months went a little bit like this:

Bedtime: 8:00-8:45
Slept till somewhere in between 7:15-9:00
Naps: 2 naps from 1hr-3hrs long and 1 30 min catnap

Just a few more pics...

1 comment:

  1. Sloan aka DaddyJune 08, 2011

    Y'all got it lookin good! Great job Mommy!
