June 14, 2011

4 Months

4 Month Checkup
(May 3, 2011)

Weight: 12lbs 11oz (25%)
Length: 24.75 inches (60%)
Head: 40cm (25%)

Sleep: Ella was still sleeping through the night at this time.  Bedtime was about 7:30-7:45 and she wakes up sometime between 7:30 and 8:30.  Yes, we are very lucky!
Naps: At almost 4 1/2 months she started taking just 2 naps a day.  They totalled to about 4 hours. 

  • Rolled over back to tummy: On the day Ella turned 4 mos she rolled over back to tummy for the 1st time. Once she did it she was determined to keep trying and doing it over and over.  I think she was so excited she found something new to do! She also started sleeping on her tummy at this time. 
    • She is reaching for EVERYTHING and puts everything in her mouth. Needless to say, we are going through the wet wipes very quickly!
    • We also tried cereal for the first time! The first try was not that great, as expected, but after that she really got the hang of it and likes it.  She eats it one time a day in the late afternoon for now.
    • We put her in the Exersaucer for the first time and she loves it.  I thought it might've been a little early but she did great sitting up in it.

Good morning!

First Bite...Mmmm

Now, I know you do something...

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