After carrots were done baking I blended to desired consistency. This part is actually kind of fun!
When done pureeing I put some aside for Ella then the rest in ice trays, covered with plastic wrap, then put them in the freezer.
After frozen I transferred the cubes into a Ziploc freezer bag and put in freezer. Done!
Now, for the moment of truth...
Didn't last long though. A few bites later the smiles turned into this,
and this,
and then some gagging, but I won't show that picture!Poor Ella. I think I probably need to add a little more water to the carrots when I thaw them out. Might have been a little too bitter. Whoops! Trial and error though, right?
By the way, I love the website, that's where I got
Also, Ella turned 6 months old today! Will have that post later!