October 18, 2011

9 Months

I know, I know, it has been forever since my last post and Ella is already 9 1/2 months old so this is waaay late!  I know some of you (ahem, Scott and Bobby) were tired of hearing about Ella's first beach trip.  I have been slacking because Ella is EVERYWHERE these days so I am exhausted by the time she goes down at night and when she takes a nap all I seem to be doing is picking up her messes or resting.  

Not much has changed since 8 months except for the fact that she is doing everything a lot faster!  She is a tiny thing but she feels like such a big girl now.   

9 Month Checkup:
(Sept. 30, 2011)

Weight: 16lbs (10%)
Length: 27.5" (50%)
Head: 43cm (20%)

  • Ella has 2 teeth
  • She can give five and waves (when she feels like it)
  • Gives kisses and claps (again, when she feels like it)
  • Can climb stairs
  • Pulling up on everything
  • Is getting the hang of getting behind things that move and walking with them (Daddy and push toy)
  • She was sick for the first time when she was 8 months and one week old.  She had a runny nose that lasted about a week.
  • She understands the words: mama, da-da, outside, doggie, bite, her name, drink, bath and nite-nite
  • She can say: da-da, bite, and bye -bye.  Sometimes she says these words on cue but most the time it's random.  She babbles and "talks" all the time. 

Yeah, 9 months old and this is the first time she wore shoes.

Always crawling in spaces she can't get out of...

Big Mal and Ellie came to visit one weekend and I only managed to get Big Mal in a pic.  Get ya next time Ellie!

This little girl can climb all the way up the stairs! We usually don't allow her but we let her this time to get a picture.

 Got herself in to another sticky situation...

 ...and another.  I found her like this when I got her from her nap.  She thought it was hilarious and so did we.

More posts soon, I promise!!