Sloan, Ella and I went to Mobile last weekend for Sloan's best friend Matt's wedding. It is about a 7 hour drive from Murfreesboro so we split it up by staying in C'burg with Sloan's parents Thursday night. On the way home Sunday though, we drove the whole way back and Ella did surprisingly good until about the last 20 minutes; she couldn't take the car seat any longer!
We had our first taste of a banana at Big Mal and Ellie's.
It was a big hit!
At the hotel Ella loved hanging with Big Mal while he got his shoes shined!
Ready for the wedding!
Sloan and his friend Brad.
Sloan getting down on the dance floor!
Ella dancing with Daddy.
Ella met my friend Lauren for the first time! We were excited to see her, she lives in Biloxi, MS.
The happy and beautiful couple, Matt and Eleanor!
It was one of the best weekends we've had in a LONG time! A first for us, Sloan and I actually got to hang out two nights in a row baby free after Ella went down for bed. Thank you Malley and Ellen!! The wedding was so beautiful and we were so happy for Matt and Eleanor! Congratulations!!