Let's start from the beginning...
I went in to be induced with Ella, who was due December 28th, 2010, on Dec. 29th at 5 a.m.. After 16 hours of labor Ella decided she wanted to come out via c-section. At that point I was so mentally and physically exhausted that I was almost relieved that I didn't have to push! (I think Sloan was more upset than me) So they wheeled me back and got me set up.
Sloan and I live in Murfreesboro, TN but decided to have the baby in Boaz, AL to be closer to our families. They all showed up....
At 9:44 pm Ella Chae Limbaugh finally made her debut and Sloan and I were overwhelmed with emotions. She was more beautiful than we ever expected and instantly fell in love with her (and felt every other cliche you hear from parents)! She weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 20 inches long.
Here are just a "few" pics from the event: